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Become a member of MYSIR



We invite you to join us in our mission to bring interventional radiology to the forefront of the Malaysian medical practice. 


We will link with the global interventional fraternity as our society seeks affiliation with well-established societies around the world. This will create an immense opportunity for you to network, share knowledge and expertise and foster friendships.


Our growing industry support will ensure that the latest technology will be made available to us faster than before. There would also be cooperation between the society and the industry as we receive support for our educational activities so will their needs be met.


The society will also assist in future research and development opportunities. We believe that research leads to deeper understanding of disease processes and opens doors to creativity and innovation.


The society by consensus will lead the way for national board certification for interventional radiology, protecting your interests and making it safer for our patients.





There will be five categories of members namely, Life, Ordinary, Honorary, Associate and Junior.


Ordinary Members

  • Open to radiologists practicing in Malaysia, age 18 years and above and all radiologists with a proven interest in the field of interventional radiology who are also members of the College of Radiology.

  • They are required to have had training in IR.

  • They have full voting rights in the General Assembly and can be elected to the Executive Council.


Life Members

  • Open to radiologists practicing in Malaysia, age 18 years and above and all radiologists with a proven interest in the field of interventional radiology who are also members of the College of Radiology.

  • Shall make a lump sum payment subscription.

  • They are required to have had training in IR.

  • They have full voting rights in the General Assembly and can be elected to the Executive Council.


Honorary Members

  • Honorary membership can be conferred to people who have made outstanding contributions in the field of IR or to MYSIR.

  • They will be elected by the Executive Council and shall be exempt from paying Entrance fees and Annual Subscription.

  • They shall not vote or be voted to hold office in the Society.


Associate Members

  • Associate Membership is open to all non-radiologists with a proven interest in IR including nurses, radiographers, physicists and technologists.

  • An Associate member shall not have the right to vote at the General Meetings or be voted to hold office in the Society.


Junior Members

  • Junior membership is open to all trainees in IR, and must be sponsored by an ordinary member of good standing. They are required to hold associate membership in the College of Radiology.

  • They shall not have the right to vote at the General Meetings or be voted to hold office in the Society.


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